ENM Reading Guide
Here are the ENM and Polyam books I have on my shelf and recommend to you to expand your understanding of sex and relationships! Use this as a functional bibliography for my work. And note that all titles are linked to Bookshop.org which is a certified B-corp committed to helping local bookstores stay afloat against Amazon’s market domination. Fucking rad. Order from them if you can!
The Ethical Slut by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy
More Than Two by Franklin Veaux
Opening Up by Tristan Taormino
Building Open Relationships by Dr. Liz Powell
Polysecure by Jessica Fern
The Jealousy Workbook by Kathy Labriola
Getting It by Allison Moon
The Polyamory Breakup Book by Kathy Labriola
All about Love by belle hooks
Queering Anarchism by C.B. Daring
Love's Not Color Blind by Kevin Patterson
Many Love by Sophie Lucido Johnson
Tongue Tied by Stella Harris
The Ultimate Guide to Threesomes by Stella Harris
Faking It by Lux Alptraum
Dealing with Difficult Metamours by Page Turner
Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
The State of Affairs by Esther Perel
The Trans Partner Handbook by Jo. Green
Entitled by Kate Manne
How to Date Men When You Hate Men by Blythe Roberson