Polyamory Tips For Setting Boundaries

Boundaries lesson! Probably the most daunting part of opening an existing relationship is establishing boundaries. There’s often an impulse to pile on a ton of negative “Can’t” boundaries to restrict your pals (or often your metamour!). I promise this is a recipe for disaster. Instead focus on what YOU can do. Your successful boundaries should usually start with “I”. Remember that you can only control your own actions and it’s an abuse of power to try to control/restrict other people’s behavior. Boundaries are personal are reflect individual needs so there’s no such thing as boundaries you *should* have (except common sense: like asking your pals for consent, treating them with respect, etc). You can see some of the ones I’ve established with my pal recently. They exist and adapt to our relationship. And remember boundaries exist to serve your needs, if they no longer work or aren’t applicable... CHANGE THEM! You shouldn’t feel enslaved by your boundaries, rather feel empowered by a “best practice” guide for yourself 💜


Boundaries Define Us


Boundaries… “I Will…”