How To Draw Dangly Cüntz [Rainbow Box Zine]


A sexxx education art tutorial coloring zine about vulvas

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A sexxx education art tutorial coloring zine about vulvas

A sexxx education art tutorial coloring zine about vulvas

Shrimp Teeth’s Rainbow Box publishes zines about sexxx, queerness, and kink. Hard copies are available around Beautiful Montavilla in Portland, OR. Email us for the exact location, but we suggest wandering around the neighborhood instead, cause you can’t miss it. If we’re on the porch please say hi! Digital copies are available for purchase for folks who cannot come to our physical location. Purchases fund the cost of free distribution at our physical location.

How To Draw Dangly Cunts will teach you everything you need to know to doodle vulvas! This 12 page zine features over 50 vulva illustrations for your coloring pleasure.

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