We invite you to expand your current views on queerness, sexuality, and relationships!
Learn about ethical non-monogamy, polyamory, and consensually alternative structures. Dive into boundary setting, jealousy management, and effective communication. Browse all.
Learn about queer theory, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Dive into LGBTQIA+ community, validating identities, and radical queerness. Browse all.
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Beyond “Top & Bottom”
Queers love to label themselves as tops or bottoms! But are those categories too narrow and limiting our sexual expressions?
Transition Validations
Let’s celebrate all the different ways of being trans! Transition doesn’t look the same for everyone and that’s beautifully liberating.
Funishment Friday
I’m absolutely obsessed with this kinky card gamed called Funishment! Here’s how playing it allowed me to discover I like lightly torturing my girlfriend with uncooked rice
Trigger Plans For Better Sex
How can you create a plan with your pals to address difficult or triggering sexual situations? Learn a few steps to help support folks who are survivors of sexual violence
Botanical D!cks: Faux Phallus Review
If you like grinding on flowers, I’ve got just the product for you!
Octopussy Dream: Silc Arts Review
I just need to let you know how much I like tentacle d!ldos
Ceramic Toys: Désirable Review
Did you know ceramic d!ldos were a thing? I sure didn’t! Let me fill you in, because I have LOTS of thoughts
Vegan Sex Education
I’m a shitty vegan. Once in a while I eat poutine with * gasp * REAL cheese. Here’s why I couldn’t care less about the opinion of REAL vegans, and how I structure my life to fit my needs
The Adult Industry Owes Lesbians An Apology
Lesbians have long been objectified and cast in straight male fantasies by the adult industries. It’s time to address the blatant homophobia head-on. Lesbians aren’t for consumption.